
Proto Processes 3DP- DLP Resin (Digital Light Processing)

Material Description

Digital Light Processing (DLP) resin is a photopolymer material commonly used in additive manufacturing processes, particularly for high-resolution 3D printing applications. DLP resin exhibits a diverse range of material properties that make it suitable for various engineering and prototyping applications. Typically, DLP resins are engineered to have a high degree of light sensitivity, allowing for precise layer-by-layer photopolymerization when exposed to UV light. This results in exceptional accuracy and fine detail in the printed objects. The material also possesses excellent mechanical properties, with a high tensile strength, making it suitable for parts requiring robustness. Moreover, DLP resin offers a wide spectrum of material options, from rigid and tough resins to flexible and elastomeric ones, catering to a broad range of functional requirements. Its heat resistance and chemical stability enable the production of parts that can withstand elevated temperatures and harsh environmental conditions. Additionally, DLP resin can be tailored for specific applications, with variations in properties such as transparency, color, and biocompatibility, making it a versatile choice for industries spanning from aerospace and automotive to medical and consumer goods.

Common Industry Applications

DLP resin is employed in diverse industries, including aerospace, medical devices, and automotive, for producing detailed parts with digital light processing technology.


3D Printing – Digital Light Processing (DLP)

Strength (MPa)
Strength (J/m)
Temp (°C)
1.05 - 1.2035 - 7050 - 905 - 20VariesLowVariesUV post

Design Recommendation

Digital Light Processing (DLP) resin printing employs a digital light projector to cure photosensitive resin. Ensure your design avoids large, flat surfaces to minimize suction forces that can lead to part detachment during printing. Plan for adequate drainage holes, as excess resin should be allowed to escape easily. Design thin features with caution, as they may be delicate and susceptible to breakage during post-processing, and account for the orientation of your model to achieve the desired quality and build success.

Cost Saving Tip

To save costs with DLP resin 3D printing, it’s crucial to control resin usage. This can be achieved by choosing optimized infill patterns and wall thickness settings to strike a balance between part strength and material consumption. Batch printing multiple objects and reusing leftover resin can further economize the process.