
Material Description

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), commonly known as Teflon, is a remarkable synthetic fluoropolymer renowned for its exceptional material properties. PTFE is characterized by its outstanding chemical resistance, as it is virtually impervious to most corrosive agents, acids, and solvents. This property makes it highly suitable for applications in the chemical industry, where it can withstand aggressive environments. PTFE also exhibits an extremely low coefficient of friction, which results in excellent non-stick and lubricating properties. This unique attribute has led to its widespread use in non-stick cookware and as a lining material for pipes and containers, reducing friction and preventing material buildup. Furthermore, PTFE possesses a wide temperature range for operation, remaining stable from as low as -200°C to as high as 260°C, allowing it to perform reliably in extreme temperature conditions. Its electrical insulation properties are exceptional, making PTFE a popular choice in the electronics industry. Its robust mechanical strength and high tensile properties ensure durability and long-term reliability in various applications, from seals and gaskets to bearings and bushings. Overall, PTFE’s outstanding chemical resistance, low friction, high-temperature stability, electrical insulating capabilities, and mechanical strength collectively make it a versatile material with a wide range of industrial and commercial applications.

Tensile Yield
Modulus (MPa)
Point (°C)
Coefficient of
(x 10^-6 /°C)
Absorption (%)
2150 - 230020 - 300.5 - 1.53270.25 - 0.30.95 - 1.075 - 135< 0.01

Design Recommendation

When designing for injection molding with Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE or Teflon), it is essential to consider its unique properties, such as its exceptionally low coefficient of friction and high melting temperature. To optimize the injection molding process for PTFE, it is recommended to use specialized molds and tooling made from materials like hardened steel, as PTFE is highly abrasive and can cause premature wear on standard molds. Additionally, due to its high melting point, precise temperature control in the injection molding machine is crucial to avoid degradation or overheating of the material. Furthermore, using a mold release agent is advisable to ensure easy part ejection, given PTFE’s natural non-stick properties. Careful attention to part geometry, gate placement, and cooling system design is also vital to prevent warping and ensure consistent, high-quality PTFE components.

Cost Saving Tip

Cost-saving in Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or Teflon injection molding processes can be achieved through several key strategies. First, optimizing mold design is crucial to reduce material waste and energy consumption. Employing a mold with efficient cooling channels helps to enhance cycle times and decrease energy expenditures. Second, selecting the right grade of PTFE resin tailored to the specific application is essential, as high-quality materials may allow for thinner wall thicknesses without sacrificing performance, thus reducing raw material costs. Furthermore, implementing automation and robotics for tasks such as part demolding can enhance production efficiency and minimize labor costs. Lastly, continuous monitoring and control of processing parameters, including temperature and pressure, can prevent over-processing and reduce the potential for scrapped parts, ultimately leading to substantial cost savings in PTFE injection molding operations.